Friday, January 28, 2011

Maybe I'm picky?

Time for the daily bore...

John: hey there
[10:50:13 pm]Mike: how's it going
[10:51:54 pm]John:good
[10:51:55 pm]John: yourself?
[10:52:05 pm]John: brb gonna brush my teeth
[10:52:30 pm]Mike: not to bad, got a hoagie and some ice tea nothing wrong with life
[10:58:08 pm]John: do you have my wallet I can't find it
[10:58:28 pm]Mike: is it with your toothpaste?
[10:58:55 pm]John: no...
[10:59:15 pm]Mike:then i'm fresh out of ideas
[11:00:48 pm]Mike: did you check your pants?
[11:03:45 pm]John: g2g
[11:03:46 pm]John: ttyl
John: yay crisis over
[11:08:13 pm]Mikes: you found it?
[11:10:04 pm]John: I walked past it 10 times in the corse of looking for it
[11:10:23 pm]Mike: gotcha. heading out to the bar?
[11:10:29 pm]John: no
[11:10:34 pm]John: just wanted to know where it was
[11:16:02 pm]John:why did u wanna take me out to the bar? Note he's only 20
[11:16:40 pm]Mike: I was more trying to figure out why at 11 you needed your wallet

I kept the time stamps to show the weird awkward pauses. Even as I type this I wait for him to -you know- actually engage in a conversation other than 'hey what's up'. Why would I want to take him to a bar? I know absolutely nothing about him. From online 'conversation' I fear as though he may not be able to articulate simple questions to even make conversation. *Shallow Note* He's not even cute enough for a drunken snog.

Is it wrong to hold out for a guy who actually asks me about myself and is genuinely interested before I take the plunge on a couple drinks?

So my goal is to keep this entry a bit more light hearted than the last one. There is a guy who looks like Nicky

No lie. He's hot. But he lives in New York and seems like a frat boy type. Not that I have anything against that. Here is part of his profile. Simple but made me laugh. Most guys aren't blunt enough to put this stuff.

Frat boy. Although that last question reminded me of someone...

If you can't read that it says "I'm a Virgin but this is an old t-shirt". God bless Ms. Britney Spears.

So back to hot guy. Why does he have to be geographically undesirable. Thank you Piper Halliwell for using that on Leo. One of my favorite phrases, I even used it on job resume once for why I left my previous job. Back to the point all the interesting/attractive ones are geographically undesirable. WTF?!?!

Late as always these days
Obsession of the Week:
Being Erica. The show about a girl who goes in therapy and relives all her regrets in life. Very thought provoking even though it's incredibly Canadian. To sum it all up: You can't change the past just learn to fix your present. Obligatory link for you to check out-  And a picture just because I like posting those

(picture taken with love from

But as I was kindly borrowing the photo I was read that ABC is going to try and make an American version of this. Dear major networks have we learned nothing in television history? Americans can't rewrite good TV from other countries. Just show it as is.

Ut oh! Robert Stack is here you know what that means...

John: yea I was kidding 
John: I had money I need to put in it 
John: and when I couldn't find it 
John: well I'm going to bed 
John: ttyl

Oh thank God! I can sleep easy. Gang the mystery of the missing wallet is solved.

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