Monday, January 17, 2011

Updates and the like

So let's start this off classy. I stumbled upon this whilst scanning some profiles: (yes I said whilst)

I'm with Nicky on this one, who the fuck plays water polo?!

Sad part is the guy had a nice body and seemed to have his act together. I just had to laugh at that.

Another update.


Suck on those statistics. Sad what uploading two additional pictures and changing a few things every other day can do. I went from 10 to 67 in less than a week. I know you're all like YAY! mission accomplished. But alas things with the cute guy have fizzled. I think I only liked him cause he looked a lil bit like this Irish bastard of love:

Yes I am more inclined to talk to people who look like they are from Westlife. It's sad yes...but always amusing.

Now that we fixed the page view problem, we should work on the how do we get more messages. I am going to fix my profile saying I love mail from everyone and that I love to talk. I also need to make sure I'm not an orange or red. The amount of mail you respond to is color coated. Green means you reply often, orange means selectively, and red means very selectively. Lets just say I've fallen into the red zone a few times. However the only way you can see what color you are is to ask a friend. So I have to just respond to all sorts of shit and hopefully get more material for the blog.

As I was writing this entry I was on that lovely site (not really lovely) and I got an instant message. Converstations, like the following, are why I'm single:

John: hiya
Mike: hey how's it going
John: good, yourself?
Mike:doing great how was your MLK day?
John:procrastination filled :)
Mike: what should you have been doing?
John: didn't have anything on my agenda really
Mike: then how can you procrastinate?
John:well wanted to vacuum before dinner but it didn't happen until 7
Mike:so are you going to open a photography business? That's what his profile says in his about me
John:I do some stuff here and there, need to update that
John:I guess your mike, I'm John
Mike:haha yeah
Mike:oh so change of plans I take it
John: yea, it's established just my ex wasn't good to me making work, he destroyed a lot of my creative energy
Mike: what do you mean making you work I couldn't decipher that last sentence. I need a decoder ring for a lot of the guys on here I think...
Mike:oh gotcha, did you do a lot of the shooting, post, or lights?
John: I'm a one man operation
John: and I'm a natural light guy
Mike:so what do you think you'll do now
5 minutes later...
John:I gotta go

For those of you who just woke up. I apologize. I was bored and I was in the conversation. Mailing someone takes a lot of courage but the instant message is gutsy. You have to make sure you can communicate fast and efficiently with the person as well as give a great first impression on the fly. Clearly this kid could not do that. What I gather from that brief exchange is that he's emotionally distracted by his past, doesn't have a current direction, and has no zest for life at this time. But what really sealed John in the 'blokes I'll never talk to again' category: he was unattractive. A fact that could have been overlooked if he had a personality...

Why do all the hot ones live in NYC?

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