Wednesday, January 12, 2011

We all have to start somewhere...

Like millions of people out there (I presume) one of my New Year's resolutions was to start a blog. This is where if I was on TV they'd start the flashbacks to the other nine blogs I've had in my life. All of those being failures. But hopefully this time will be different. I want this one to really document and explore the things going on in my life instead of me bitching about work and school non stop. Don't worry there will be plenty of bitching but this time I'm hoping to include random photos (most likely copious amounts of Westlife/Supernatural photos) to express my reactions.

The first topic to be we got here.
Answer. New Year's resolutions. My list was very simple this year, cut back on soda, run on the treadmill everyday, start a blog, and move to Europe. Yes I'm sure about Europe. I know it doesn't sound easy but if I apply and get into grad school I'd do it in Europe. I have a few school narrowed down currently I just need to you know...actually apply. The forms are sitting saved in my bookmarks till the time when I get enough energy to start filling them out. There's also the problems of getting loans, a house, and moving but we'll focus on the simple problems first.

The next big thing I wanted to do for my New Year's resolution was to continue work on Senior Year. The tale of unrequited love of a high school senior. Original I know. I started it about two years ago. (I literally got a pang in my heart about that one. I started it so long ago and have made no progress.) The reason this story means so much to me is it's the first one I ever put on a site. In fact I was fic of the week, for 4 months. Quite the feat if I do say so myself. (Mainly cause the site stopped updating after the second chapter was posted) But minor details aside here's the photo. (Cause you know how we roll 'PICTURES OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN')
I apologize in advanced. I am terrible with coding and just as bad at photo editing. Once I get a new program I'm going to be working on more pictures to capture every range of emotion as depicted by celebrities, mainly Irish ones.

It seems I've lost the plot. One thing I was thinking of making a resolution was to find a boyfriend. I realized after some thought you can't plan that you can only try. So I went back on that lovely dating site for a few weeks. Guys are pushy. No not like that...
More like after one message or two, they'll give me their number and say text me some time. 

Point in case:
tom2009:  :) heyy
Mike: howdy
tom2009: hows your friday night going?
Mike: it ended a little short actually
Mike: was watching the *school* football game but my friend got sick so i had to take him home
tom2009: Oh that sucks. haha i wanted to go! Lol
Mike: Main street was a shit show tonight
tom2009: I was on main street tonight actually
tom2009:so what are you looking for on here :)
Mike:um friends, maybe a boyfriend I'm not really getting my hopes up
Mike:I hate to do this brostuff but I actually gotta run sorry for cutting this short

*A few hours later*

tom2009:get my email
tom2009:  :)
Mike:let me look

*The Mail*
Well maybe we could
could go to grotto's or something for dinner one night :)

text me


Literally you're asking me out after talking to me about sod all for 15 minutes.

I agree with Britney it makes no sense...anyway moving forward...

*Second Mail of Missed Instant Message*

tom2009:Me either. I would like to be your friend. I want a bud. Like a boyfriend who is like my best friend, we can do masculine stuff together or just relax at home on that swing in the summertime on the porch watchin the sunset :D

At this point he had quoted my own profile back to me. As shown in the green text. I used the Carrie Underwood line from quitter that I wanted the picket fence and the swing on the front porch. Both true statements but I also love to throw Carrie Underwood into everything. The other thing that confused the fuck out of me is the 'we can do masculine stuff together'. What the fuck does that even mean... And lastly a man that uses that many smilies is beyond gay. But let's continue:

Mike:what exactly do you mean by manly things?
tom2009:umm. basic stuff guys do
Mike:like what?
tom2009:yeah lol
tom2009:we should go grottos
Mike:I wasn't sure what you were alluding too
tom2009:  :)
Mike:so i take it you go to *school*?
tom2009:no lol lots of friends do tho
tom2009:do you? text me ###-###-####   Again with the texting? 
Mike:No I actually graduated from *different school*
tom2009:oh nice :)
tom2009:i go to *some school* online for criminal law
tom2009: :) private investigators
tom2009:heres where i work..
tom2009: Link  I didn't click the link because I didn't and still don't care.
Mike:so you spy on people
Mike:that's not creepy
tom2009:for government
Mike: still creepy
Mike: big brother more into equine though Most random transition ever.
tom2009:like i like horses more!
Mike: you ride?
tom2009:lol tryin
tom2009:its dressage Dressage: the art or method of training a horse in obedience and in precision of movement.
Mike: never ridden
tom2009: :) i love horses.
Mike:does your family own any?
tom2009:no i wish
Mike:that's cool my cousin has a farm but i never ride his horses
The cousin in question? Obviously CS  

tom2009:  :)
tom2009:so u free tomorrow
Mike:  actually i already have plans
tom2009:oh bummer
Mike:  anxious to hang out? He logged off at this point. The rest I didn't even see till I wrote this entry.
tom2009:lol no. just you seem pretty cool
tom2009:well. im goin to bed work at 530
tom2009:Goodnight. Nice Talking to ya! (=

So as you can probably tell from the tone of my little extras I'm not really into that guy at all. (Not to sound shallow but he's overweight and I would never physically be attracted to him) There is another guy named Chris who I had similar generic conversations with who asked me to drinks last week. (He's not fat or bad looking just not my type) I said I was busy. Was I? Not really. He gave me his number. I have yet to use it. Nor will I. I guess I shouldn't lead him on. Maybe I'll tell him I'm getting back with my ex (not that I have an ex)...although why would I still be on the site...hmmm...What's the politest way to tell someone you're an asshole? Maybe I'm just being hard on myself or maybe dating is just terrible.

I'm at the point where I don't think there's anyone on there I'd be interested in. I keep comparing everyone to Mike. The bastard that was so perfect for me but ultimately a huge douche that strung me along. I don't know how but I found my ground and removed him from my life. Just because he's out of my life doesn't mean he's out of my mind...or my heart at times. I honestly miss the 3 hour Skype conversations at 2 in the morning about nothing. He got it. I don't know if anyone else ever will. The only way I know I truely cared about him is that I overlooked every flaw in the book. And I literally mean EVERY. FLAW. and several red flags.

But if I ever want to move on I have got to get my act together. As Queen once sang "I'm okay, I'm alright, I ain't gonna face no defeat." So I guess in the purpose of my love life and the amusement of having things to write about I'm going to stay on the site.

A recurring theme on my blog is going to be my obsession of the week.
This week:

The story of Hannah/Belle. A prostitute and her way of life in the city of London. Needless to say a ton of sexual escapades ensue. It's pretty much amazing, witty, and entertaining. I highly recommend everyone to watch. Plus there is nothing wrong with looking at Billie Piper for long periods of time. *Heartbreak* Apparently season 4 will be the final season. Why do I always join the party late. Wish I had started watching at season 1. I know I can't win them all but I'd like to win once...Well at least I found out about the show and can hopefully spread the love. (To the massive 3 readers I may achieve)

I think that's all I can think of for now. Dimitrious sends his love to all of you. I will be putting up some pictures of the little monkey on here soon.

As the dwarf in Ironforge tells me in a Scottish accent every time I hop on the griffin to fly out of town "Keep your feet on the ground!"

1 comment:

  1. "A job shared is usually a job halved."

    And the texting... I sympathize my dear.
