Thursday, January 20, 2011

When God closes a door...

He opens a window and the crazies fucking come on through.

I'm saying it here and now, that is the last time I will ever complain about having nothing to write about. I have never been more uncomfortable talking to someone than I was tonight. Here is the whole conversation. This guy needs help. His name for all intensive purposes will be Hannibal Home-school because he is fucking crazy. My name for this conversation will be scared victim, because that's what I'm afraid I'll be if I continue to talk to him...
As we proceed through this conversation. I will be using a very common dating term during areas I felt that were 'touchy'

For example on his profile I noticed this.

That's a red flag. Rules for dating: NEVER TRUST ANYONE WHO DOESN'T DRINK!

Scared Victim:howdy
Hannibal Home-school:wats up
Scared Victim: not to much just watching some tv how bout you
Hannibal Home-school:talking to friends
Scared Victim: good stuff, so are you in school?
Hannibal Home-school: nope, you? Not the greatest fact but sometimes people make good money without and education...
Scared Victim: I just graduated in December
Scared Victim: do you have a job?
Hannibal Home-school: sorta
Scared Victim: rent boy?
Hannibal Home-school: affiliate marketing
Scared Victim: where ya doing that at?
Hannibal Home-school: home
Hannibal Home-school: ;p;
Hannibal Home-school: lol
Scared Victim: well I wasn't sure what do you have a blog or site?
Hannibal Home-school: site, but needs to be redone cause it fails lol
Hannibal Home-school: you do it too?
Scared Victim: what's the site about
Scared Victim: haha no my blog is for personal use only
Hannibal Home-school: reviews to sell the products What products?
Hannibal Home-school: lol
Scared Victim: so was your blog about reviews and everything?
Scared Victim: so do you have any hobbies?
Hannibal Home-school: computers. as dumb as that may sound, but im rly good at it
Hannibal Home-school: i can repair them and all
Hannibal Home-school: if you could have one thing right now, what would it be No it's ok, I don't like being asked if I have any hobbies or anything.
Scared Victim: dinner
Scared Victim: i'm starving
Scared Victim: what about you
Hannibal Home-school: actually, to feel wanted :| Sad. But that just makes you sound desperate.
Scared Victim: how long ya been single for?
Hannibal Home-school: since i was born lol
Hannibal Home-school: most the guys i talked to where assholes
Scared Victim: well comes with the nature
Hannibal Home-school: soo
Hannibal Home-school: movies At that point he had to read my profile. I said it's one of my favorite things to do.
Scared Victim: what about em?
Hannibal Home-school: u like? No I put it in my profile for no fucking reason...
Scared Victim: yes sir how bout you?
Hannibal Home-school: yep
Hannibal Home-school: i sit in the back though
Hannibal Home-school: lol
Scared Victim: ok?
Hannibal Home-school: ya
Scared Victim: any reason for that
Hannibal Home-school: just sayin
Hannibal Home-school: lol
Hannibal Home-school: well, my cousin actually started me on that, so it kinda just turned into a thing
Scared Victim: oh i wasn't sure if i was supposed to be taking some hidden meaning from it Why else would you mention that unless he's implying he gives blowjobs or something in the back row.
Hannibal Home-school: well
Hannibal Home-school: i also get anxiety around ppl i dont know too so
Scared Victim: so you're like agoraphobic?
Hannibal Home-school: um
Hannibal Home-school: no
Scared Victim: just wonderin
Hannibal Home-school: i guess a social phobia of some sort? Right agoraphobia.
Scared Victim: is it bad or you just get really anxious?
Hannibal Home-school: oh its really bad, no meds helped me
Scared Victim: do you know why or when it started?
Hannibal Home-school: started when i was young, always had it
Hannibal Home-school: got worse as i got older
Scared Victim: so I take it you don't go out much?
Hannibal Home-school: depends on the place rly
Hannibal Home-school: like, i dont go to malls or clubs So you sit at home and make it sound like you don't.
Scared Victim: no concerts?
Hannibal Home-school: nope
Scared Victim: so did you ever go to college or the anxiety thing hold ya back?
Hannibal Home-school: held me back
Scared Victim: was high school hell cause of it?
Hannibal Home-school: i become home schooled at 5th grade Another red flag. Home schooled kids are socially awkward. I should have known already from this conversation.
Scared Victim: oh wow
Scared Victim: so are you freakishly good at spelling?
Hannibal Home-school: lol im normal with it like everyone else
Scared Victim: wasn't sure if you were like one of those nerdy kids on the spelling bees
Hannibal Home-school: haha
Hannibal Home-school: no
Hannibal Home-school: soo
Scared Victim: yeah
Hannibal Home-school: you like me so far or no? Who the fuck asks that. I wouldn't ask that to someone I've been talking to for months let alone 20 mins? Red Flag Penalty: Desperate for attention!
Scared Victim: honestly it's hard to tell
Scared Victim: you dropped a pretty big bombshell Aka no but you aren't taking the hint.
Hannibal Home-school: :3
Scared Victim: so why bodybuilding? Says so on his profile.
Hannibal Home-school: keep in shape, kill stress...etc
Scared Victim: so have you gone on many dates with people on here?
Hannibal Home-school: nope, not many of them seem accepting with the way i am I wonder why...
Scared Victim: i'm sure you hear this alot but have you tried therapy?
Hannibal Home-school: tried it when i was 12, didnt do anything
Hannibal Home-school: doctors says im the worse you can get What doctor admits that?
Scared Victim: that sucks
Hannibal Home-school: ya
Hannibal Home-school: my cousin is the only one that seems to understand me
Hannibal Home-school: cause shes the same way So crazy runs in the family?
Scared Victim: gotcha is she as bad as you?
Hannibal Home-school: no
Hannibal Home-school: so
Hannibal Home-school: um
Hannibal Home-school: u got aim?
Scared Victim: yeah
Hannibal Home-school: can i add
Scared Victim: sure
Scared Victim: *name*
Hannibal Home-school: added
Scared Victim: haha is that your way of saying get on it?
Hannibal Home-school: maybe ;D
Hannibal Home-school: now i can close that chat lol

Scared Victim: yeah that chat is a pain

Hannibal Home-school: anything else u wanna know

Scared Victim: is there anything else I should know really
 Aka I'm not interested but you aren't taking the hint and I don't want to be a douche and say piss off.
Hannibal Home-school: um

Hannibal Home-school: did i explode the bomb? lol

Scared Victim: the bomb is a pretty big distraction
Hannibal Home-school: i cant help it though

Scared Victim: No I know you can't Obviously doesn't mean I want to hang out with a nut job.
Scared Victim: just a lot to drop in a first conversation

Hannibal Home-school: well

Hannibal Home-school: if it helps at all, i most likely wont be like that with u if we ever met

Scared Victim: what makes you think that?
Hannibal Home-school: because we would have talked for a while by then lol

Scared Victim: oh I wasn't sure

Hannibal Home-school: i guess i will leave you to think about what i said

Scared Victim: sorry was just waiting for you to ask me about me
 Cause he had yet to ask me one real question about myself. Sad part is that's a common issue with a lot of guys.
Hannibal Home-school: i thought i did but u didnt answer

Hannibal Home-school: guess i didnt?

Scared Victim: not really

Hannibal Home-school: oh
Hannibal Home-school: well

Hannibal Home-school: tell me about you then
Scared Victim: you sound like a shrink

Hannibal Home-school: lol why

Scared Victim: isn't that what they say on your first visit when you lay there

Hannibal Home-school: actually mine asked if i liked guys or girls
Hannibal Home-school: lol
Scared Victim: right off the bat?

Hannibal Home-school: umm

Hannibal Home-school: i think he said some things about him firs
Scared Victim: was he gay 2?

Hannibal Home-school: he was old
Scared Victim: and a bigot?
Hannibal Home-school: so, you come off straight right?
Scared Victim: is a pink tank top not?
Hannibal Home-school: lolwut

Hannibal Home-school: so

Hannibal Home-school: thats a no?
Scared Victim: I come across straight
Hannibal Home-school: k

Hannibal Home-school: same

Scared Victim: wait so if you were home schooled did you ever go to prom or anything?
Hannibal Home-school: no

Hannibal Home-school: i would of not went anyway
Scared Victim: oh true anxiety and what not  He's prolly never done anything fun in his life.
Hannibal Home-school: ya
Hannibal Home-school: im getting tired

Scared Victim: ok then go to bed

Hannibal Home-school: well
Hannibal Home-school: dont really wanna just leave

Scared Victim: it's not rude if you're tired

Hannibal Home-school: r u having fun?
 Again who the fuck asks that? Red flag. Clingy and needs positive attention so he asks for it.
Scared Victim: it's alright meeting people is always weird at first Aka no.
Hannibal Home-school: true

Hannibal Home-school: you a pyro? WTF?
Scared Victim: what makes you ask that?

Hannibal Home-school: playing with my lighter, it burns at 3,000F lol

In my head I'm thinking along the lines of this:
Scared Victim: huh?
Hannibal Home-school: fire

Scared Victim: and you're playing with it?
Hannibal Home-school: somewhat
Scared Victim: well im gonna drop some knowledge on you
Scared Victim: only you can prevent forest fires
Right Smokey? 

Jesus Smokey you aren't helping! For fucks sake...
Hannibal Home-school: its almost out of fuel anyway

Hannibal Home-school: i recently made a new friend though Satan?
Hannibal Home-school: shes more of a pyro than me

Scared Victim: if you are comparing pyro tendencies that's not good
Hannibal Home-school: lol

Hannibal Home-school: :3
Hannibal Home-school: im just pointing out that im not as bad as others
Hannibal Home-school: xD
 Enough of the fucking smilies you twat.
Scared Victim: normally people don't have to point that out at all

Hannibal Home-school: lol another red flag for you i guess? You guess. Wow you're dense.
Scared Victim: not going to lie it's another one yes
Hannibal Home-school: how many did i raise
Scared Victim: a couple (dozen)
Hannibal Home-school: ok at least its not a lot, a couple is normal with anyone

Scared Victim: no red flags are deal breakers

Hannibal Home-school: anyway

Hannibal Home-school: im gonna go to bed
Hannibal Home-school: i guess we will talk more tomorrow?
 Probably not.
Hannibal Home-school: k, well word of advice before i go, if your expectations are too high then your gonna find a lot of flaws in me, so hopefully you can understand, night A person who can't be out in public and plays with fire. Clearly my dream man.

I originally thought long and hard about posting this whole mess. I mean the guy clearly has problems. If there is one thing I've learned from Dr. Zasio on Hoarders it's that these problems are real and should be taken seriously. I didn't want to mock him in a public forum. However the way he acts and clearly has no interest in anyone but himself pushed me over the edge. Don't try to tell me how to set my standards and expectations. Just because you can't reach them doesn't mean I have to lower them. Here's an idea go back to therapy, actually try, considering you're 20 and can't go out in public, then try and talk to me. Actually don't. I don't want to be burned alive.

Meanwhile as I was writing this and putting it all together. I get an IM from another guy:

Other dude whose name I don't remember: hey there
Me: how's it going
Other dude whose name I don't remember: good, yourself?
Me:not too bad trying to figure out dinner
Other dude whose name I don't remember:I had a hot ham sandwhich


Why the fuck do people message me if they can't ask question. My back hurts from carrying them all through this process. God damn I hate people some days...

Anyway I'm a day late but my current obsession of the week:
Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Did I play number 1 or 2? No. But this is a fun RPG type game. It feels a little bit like Final Fantasy X. Although this one has corny jokes and you can get an award for continually clicking on the girl Natalie's boobs. Crude humor and fun game play make this definitely worth checking out and playing.
Here's the link to check it out:

Well that's it for now. It has officially been one full week since I stopped playing WoW! Go me. And my page views are up to 73. Although finding quality messages are still a challenge. I'm not complaining...I swear I'm not more weirdos.

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