Monday, February 7, 2011

The Value of Growing Up

From the time I was like 10 I knew what I wanted out of life. To get married, have a house, and have kids. I never saw the type of 9 to 5, or the car in my garage. I just knew I wanted to have a wife and kids that I would love more than anything else in this world. Well things change (like gender desire) although sometimes deep down the idea of a wife is more appealing than the reality of a life with a guy. But that's not the point of this entry. I've been lucky to know what I want out of relationships however many people are lucky to know what they want to do in their career. Then there are those who are floating through life. From the time I was 12 I had the mentality of a 30 year old. I find drama ridiculous (unless it's on Jerry Springer or trash TV) and try to live free and easy. No one tells me what to do so why should I tell others. Live and let live. I'm incredibly happy that end the end of the day I'm comfortable (for the most part) with who I am and the kind of person I want to be. However someone who I will consider a 'friend' and will call him Neil for the rest of this entry (I only chose Neil because the first random name that popped into my head was Neil Sadaka and breaking up IS hard to do)

So a brief back history on Neil. He moved here to be with his girlfriend. She dumped him like the first week he was here. He didn't have a real job or anything. Fast forward a month he gets a stable job. I feel bad for Neil and take him in, aka hang out once a week, help him when his car dies, talk to him and text. The casual friend thing. He says he needs to meet people and against my better judgment I introduce him to my circle of friends. (I have a thing about mixing groups it never works). So a few weeks after introducing them I found out that Neil hung out with my friends and didn't even bother to invite me. Shady I know. I moved on. If he needs to do that to feel special go ahead. One night he threw Mike in my face when he was hanging out with me and my sister. I specifically asked him not to talk about my relationships or anything in front of anyone. That's a huge violation of trust and was uncalled for but I over looked it. I wanted to start crap but I wanted to be the better person. Considering he deemed me his 'best friend'. Unfortunately I don't feel the same. This has really been put to the test with his contant negativity. He lives alone, doesn't care for his job so much, and is desperate and I do mean desperate for a relationship. I say this because every girl he meets/talks to he's interested in. That is a personality trait I cannot stand. Know what you like, and go after it.  If you like that many different people in a short span of time it boils down to one thing: you don't know what you want.

On top of being a flake when it comes to girl taste, he gets very down on himself. He always puts himself down and complains about how lonely he is. So he has taken a liking for a friend of mine who we shall name Jodi. (again first name that came to mind for a girl.) Jodi is a total sweetheart and a flirt. She was trying to be nice to Neil and make him feel welcome since he didn't have anybody. Now Jodi used to date Roddy. Roddy and Jodi are broken up however still best friends. Now Neil can't handle his jealous behaviors. Everytime Roddy is around Neil goes on lock down on does stupid stuff, like pretending to be sick and leaving a group dinner and texting sarcastic things to Jodi. Or walk out of a bar at 11 at night in a bad area for 45 mins till Jodi begged for him to come back just for fear of his safety. ALL BECAUSE HE CAN'T HANDLE HIS JEALOUSY. It's annoying and completly childish. He started so much shit. The problem is not that he made a mistake but how he handled it. He says shit like this.

Here are the actual texts/conversations - * Indicate my responses
I know it was childish and stupid and im fucked
Feel free to tell me how stupid I am
Well I'm a failure and probably lost all my friends in one go. Someone come slit my throat.
*I said that was childish and you need to man up and fix your mistake*
I know. Guess I'm paying for it now. Sorry if you don't want to know me anymore.
Dude I'm sorry I really am, I didn't try and play some game I really just don't like being jealous and its easyto see. was just trying to be better to everyone else.
*Because walking out of the bar isn't obvious?*
Well that's why I'm an idiot.
I wish I could just crawl up under something and die.
Im an idiot but she forgives me. I hate my life sometimes because the only people I care about here I pissed off tonight.
*You should learn to smile and hide your jealousy like the rest of us*
Next time I'll just hide it like everything else.

That night he caused so much drama over nothing. So this is a conversation from like a week after he left the bar like a knob.

Neil: so Weezer will be in AC on my birthday

Me:i thought you were hatched not born
don't ewoks come from eggs?

Neil:we do
but that was either the day i was laid
or when i hatched
oh wait must be hatched
cause i've never been laid

Me: lawlz

Neil:thought you'd like that
eh its funny but sad

Me: don't let it bother you
it'll happen when it's supposed to

Neil: eh i've stopped caring to be honest. I'm just tired of being bored/alone
i'm either pissed, sad, or lonely lately
and its getting old

Me: i don't know what to tell you bub

Neil:i know
its not a big deal
i'll get over it

Me: apparently not if this is a reoccurring issue

Neil:not really reoccuring
eh i dunno
it happens
i get over it

I'm not joking when I say that conversations/pity parties happen at least once a week. Like if he isn't in a relationship or addicted to some girl he's never happy. I have to given him a million ideas and supported everything he's ever suggested.

Herein lies my problem: How do I handle him? I'm so tired of trying to boost his morale. He has become a drain. Yes he has been a good friend. He tried to make my birthday nice and is always willing to play DD because he doesn't drink, but at the same time he's an emotional drain. For the first 5 months I knew him he was up my ass everyday with texting/wanting to hang out. His personality is that of a know it all which is my biggest pet peeve in life. You don't know everything stop acting like it. I know he has no one which is why I haven't told him off or been cross with him, however it's getting to the point where he's upsetting my group of friends that I've had for about 15 years. I can't have that. I invited him to Christmas and have tried to include him but he just doesn't fit most times. I have no idea what to do. I don't want to be rude and crush him but at the same time my patience is wearing incredibly thin. I'd like to think I'm a better person but I don't think it's true.

On a better note I wrote a new chapter in my London Life story. I also am half way done Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Man shopping has been somewhat dull the past few days. I'm sure I'll have something to talk about in the next couple days. There's always weird boys out there.

Random picture just because this entry is incredibly light on them.

Jensen explains it perfectly. What the hell should I do?

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