Wednesday, February 9, 2011


No. Seriously I see ewe...

Ok let's play a game: Guess where this photo came from.

*insert Jeopardy music here*


The correct answer is: It was a profile picture on a dating site! Congratulations!  You're just as creeped out as I am!

Here's the little blurb explaining it...

Here's the thing about that. I get the not being out of the closet thing but why go looking for a date? Why not put up a picture of just your jawline as discussed in a previous post.
Human and still sexy all at the same time. No one knows who you are but at least you're a guy with a nice pair of lips.  I wish I had taken a picture of it, this one guy had it beautifully explained about not having a real picture something to the effect of 'Not having a picture on a dating website is like walking into a bar with a bag over your head. Who wants to connect with that?' Ain't that the truth. Now I'm sure in the back of your minds you're thinking well how did I stumble upon sheep boy...he has looked at my profile at least once a day for the past week.

Of course now that I'm sitting here writing my mind has become completly blank as to what I was going to talk about. Probably that I haven't studied for my GMAT's in two days or that I finished Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 

Oh I did see a cool post on Yahoo News how Dublin is one of the cheapest travel destinations. The whole country is 7% cheaper than it was in 2009. So hopefully that percent will keep increasing till I move and live there.

Obsession of the week:
The Biggest Loser. You know what it is. Look it up on Hulu. I quit on this entry.

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