Monday, February 14, 2011


This entry may seem very hypocritical after my last post. I mentioned how I wanted a bromance similar to the ShNicky variety, but I have a problem with a friend who happens to like me more than a friend. His name for all intensive purposes is Ben. Ben is a guy a met on that dating site and we've been talking since about October maybe November. He's a very nice guy and asked me out for drink back then and I said no. the problem is I know when I like someone. I just feel that attraction and I feel like an idiot because my emotions go crazy. I know this recently because Mike reinforced that idea. I didn't get that with Ben. Nice guy, we have a ton in common, and he's incredibly easy to talk to, however I just don't like him as anything more than that.

Ben is funny because he actually used to date one of the guys I chatted up over the summer. Things turned out bad for him and the guy, and ended the same way my relationship with that guy ended. Always talking but never following through with the plans. It was always him never me or Ben.

So I know you're sitting here thinking ok what's the point? The point is Ben likes me as more than a friend. He's made that very clear saying that we should hang out and meet. My problem is I don't want to give him the wrong signals. I have told him numerous times that I'm not interested in him and that I just want to be friends. My hesitancy to meet him is that I think after hanging out he may like me more. I know how much that hurts to be in the friend zone and I don't want to agonize the boy if I can't return his feelings.

Examples. We'll text just about everyday and during conversations he'll say stuff like this (actually texts from him, my words are paraphrased)

Ben: About you being a huge nerd that's falling in love with me?
Me: We haven't even met yet.
Ben: Yet being the operative word...we could be the first couple that fell in love via text haha
Me: You're a unique individual unlike any other (got that line from this fella)

Alec from Dark Angel who used that line instead of saying I love you. However it has the same effect in the show as it did with Ben.

Ben: Do you love me is that what you're saying?
Me:  No I'm not in love with you.
Ben: So you're saying you don't love me? I don't buy it

Earlier in the conversation he said:
Ben: That's not the info my PI provided me with
Me: What info?
Ben: Family history, blood type, cock size...that type of thing

He also said earlier that I was a bad person or something like that:
Me: Oh I'm sorry I'll have to work on that. Any other problem areas?
Ben: Your frigid personality? Followed by your inability to love

Like I said he's a nice guy but like he's making it so painfully obvious he likes me. When we talked last week he made mention of how he won't say he likes me anymore because when he does I stop talking to him. It's true I do. I don't know how to return or act normal to someone who has those feelings. I don't want to give the guy false hope. I have told him outright several times that I am not interested yet when we talk he still says stuff like that. It makes me feel guilty till I remember that no I'm not interested in anything more.

I don't think he could handle us hanging out, without it being awkward. I honestly believe that. So my question to all of you is: Should I continue to talk to him or not? What is the proper way to handle this situation without seeming like a huge dick?

This is how I feel right now:

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