Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pooky? Really?

I'm not sure if it was the last entry or the entry before that but I introduced you all to a guy named Troy. As I said then and I will reaffirm that I am not interested in this bloke. I never have been. I've done everything but say stop talking to me for him to take the hint. Well let's just say hint not taken...
No not blocked. I just haven't logged on because there is no one on worth talking to. So what do I do? I log on. Mainly because I love having stuff to talk about in here. And here's how that convo went.

Troy: Hi pooky

pooky really?
do you think you're idina menzel?

Troy: yah that's your nickname
Troy: pooky is garfield's cute teddy bear
Troy: I love Idina Menzel
Troy:that'd be fine with me
Troy: just you and IIIIIIIIIIIIII defyyyyyyyyying graaaaaaavity *think that shit don't say it*
Troy: you totally had me blocked, don't lie
Troy: you didn't show up online for like a month and now you show up again

I didn't block you
i just wasn't online

Troy: well nice to see you again
Troy: how's life

crazy as ever how about you

Troy: is insane
Troy: what does idina menzel have to do with pooky?

take me baby or leave me

Troy: =)
Troy: your new pic is hot
Troy: as were your old ones

so what have you been upto

Troy: just work really Cause you're fucking boring

that's exciting

Troy: very.......blah
Troy: today I'd have given ANYTHING for a split second of not being inerrupted or having to multi-task
Troy: I stayed an hour late just to have peace for an hour

so you can't multi task

Troy: well
Troy:it's not my strong-point

what is your strong point? Because after talking to you this many times I'm not finding any.

Troy: my cock
(taken from
Troy: I dunno
Troy: I'm caring and laidback

you define who you are by your cock I've never seen it but I can assure you his cock does not look like that. That one is cute and has a personality.

Troy: lol
Troy: just messing with you

oh good
i can only imagine if you weren't

Troy: haha
Troy: I love your humor
Troy: can we make out now? Really? I won't give you my phone number or add you on facebook and you want to snog?

no sorry

Troy: =(
Troy: gonna watch some tv
Troy: nice to talk again.........catch you later

If I didn't half this half assed blog I would not be talking to him at all and he would be on block. Continuing the stupid boys I've met...

So that is automated. Which I hate. Why would you wink at me. If you want to talk say 'hey what's going on' So I look at the picture of the guy and his ears are a bit weird. Very similiar to this guy's ears
(taken from

Yes that is sloth from the goonies. Anyway so I clicked his profile to find this:
So I decided to be a smart ass to the wink

But he turned out to be nice. I'm going to go with English isn't his native language? Oh well. I wish there was some guy who was remotely cute and actually had a personality to talk to these days. I'm starting to lose hope again.

Oh so I forgot to type out the long night that was the 30 Seconds to Mars concert. This is the abridged version
1. It was theme night. My friend Chris knew for 2 weeks and didn't tell me. Luckily I found out so we could get dressed up in neon rave stuff. This is what 30stm wore that night
(taken from
2. Jared Leto is fucking crazy. He literally has crazy in his eyes.
2.5 I recorded Attack on my camera
2.75 Jared literally climbs on the gate like 8 feet in front of me and sings about 4 minutes of the kill like right near me. Fricking amazing.
3. Jared kept telling people to take 3 steps forward so this bitch literally gets in a position like this
(taken from
And fucking charges through people to get closer to the stage. The bitch ended up in front of me. Nothing pisses me off then people who aren't standing there the whole time. You did not earn that spot. So like any responsible adult I crushed the fuck out of her and pushed her for a good 10 minutes. Till she asked me what the fuck my problem was. To which I told her it was her and that she wasn't here since 7. This was at like 10:30 at night I'm sorry after 3 hours of holding my spot some little cunt is not about to take it. So her friend or someone else was like what's the problem why don't you put her on your shoulders and I said that's not going to fucking happen. She soon left afterwards because well she was about to fall because she couldn't keep her balance. It's not my fault people were pushing me in to her.
4. I was angry after that and someone woman was crowd surfing. Again people expectingme to lift and carry them forward. Not happening I let her fall.
5. This other girl who was standing near me the whole show wanted me to have me lift her on my shoulders. I physically couldn't do it. I'm not strong enough. She wasn't fat I just have like 0 muscle. So I told her I had surgery. Later in the night I helped her get on this other guys shoulders and held her up for like 20 minutes and then helped her get down safetly. She thanked me by giving me a kiss. Chris saw this. 
6. Last song of the night Jared Leto gets fucking crazy starts pulling people on stage. So now everyone in the pit is pushing their hardest to get closer so they can go on. Chris was next to this guy and girl who were normal colored oompaloompahs. They were that short. Well the guy had the girl on his shoulders like the whole night but then was too tired so Chris helped her up. Well Jared called her onto stage so Chris wades through the crowd with her on his shoulders and literally throws her to the security guard to get on. At that point the douchebag to my immediate left starts a mosh pit. Ignoring the fact there are 3 people on guys shoulders right in the area and they could fall and get hurt (do you like my switch to concern of people falling now) So I leave my area and head to the back of the pit because I didn't want to get crushed. Low and behold Chris throws the other little guy on stage then climbs up himself. So he's on stage and I'm in the back it was slightly unfair but whatever.
7. We get out to the parking lot and I'm like that's cool Jared pulled you on stage 'No he didn't pull me on stage I had to muscle my way. I earned that spot on stage' I'm thinking ok whatever. Then goes you know that girl I was talking to well after the show ended she just came up to me and jumped in my arms and gave me a big hug. I personally didn't see this happen. Then he continues yeah she was pretty cute I should've gotten her number. Well you were near her for 3 hours, she had a date, now suddenly she's on you and you want her number. That's funny how I got a kiss and now you're interested in someone who gave you a hug. (Since that night he has found no lie 4 other girls that he is interested in)
8. He decides the night was awesome and we need photos. So he takes my camera and snaps a photo of me and then drops my camera and breaks it. He says he's sorry but does not offer once to pay for repairs or a new one. I'm devastated. My cameras = my children. I'm still very bitter about it but I can't really think about it or I'll cut someone.

All and all it was an amazing show and I'd love to do it again. However in December the band is breaking up. So I am lucky I got to see them live and get to participate in the mosh pit chorus of Attack. Something I've wanted to do since like 2007. 

So this weekend I finally caved in. After weeks of not really having fun in my raids and really just not having fun I switched. Kian my gnome is no longer a gnome. He has grown up and gotten blue skin. He's now Shnicky the mage. So Sunday night after a 'fun raid' (not that it's fun but it's old content which is more fun than progression and hard work fights) I realized my time was up. I'm sick of feeling like it's a job and not a game. Well I was going to talk to my friend, we'll call her Bee, about my transfer. I started to talk but she logged off really fast because she felt sick. Bee and I have been close for probably about 6 months we talk all the time and do just about everything together when we can. The only problem is she's a bit of a cry baby and a drama queen. So my friend Stacy who I love and adore and I met 2 years ago on wow, we are facebook friends, and just all around good friends that click. She used to be our guild but left due to drama between some people and her husband. She made a character just to talk to some of her old friends and hang out. Well I said 'Yay my bff is back' well Bee took the huff. A day after her not talking to me she goes you know what you said really hurt me. It made me cry. She's 29 fucking years old and saying that to me when she knows Stacy and I talk everyday and are facebook friends and all that. Then I tell her about me switching to the Horde side and joining Stacy's guild. She's like I wish you the best I should've known you'd go to play with her. Regardless of the fact Stacy left in January and it's now May. So it's been a few days since my transfer and I wanted to talk to Bee just to clear the air and salvage our friendship. She's somewhat normal and whatever but she's like 'yeah i'm leaving to a new realm. I hope you do well' and that's it. Normally we talk for like hours and she ends the conversation again like that. She needs to grow the fuck up. Like a year of friendship being thrown away because I'm trying to find some happiness.

Luckily for me I did decide to leave. This week they decided that the 25 man raid groups weren't progressing enough so they were breaking down into 2 10 man teams. One that would focus on gear and one would focus on hardmodes. Well I'm fully geared. And I'm not really a favorite. So the guild has 5 officers each of them would get in the h mode groups then that leaves 5 spots for like 15 people to compete for. I'm a mage. I'm one of 4. I'm so replaceable. I'd never see that content. Luckily I did switch. I don't want to have to fight for a spot and I don't want to bang my head against the wall. A couple of my friends already said they want to switch realms or become Horde. I just dont see how you can take a guild meant for 25 constant raiders and have an elite team of 10 and keep morale. There are still people who need normal mode kills let alone heroic. *rolls eyes* And I'm sure I've bored the lot of you with this rant.


Loving season 4. The doctor's companion is Catherine Tate. She's just as funny on Doctor Who as she was on her own show.  I highly recommend a watch as always.  I need to go to Europe soon. David Tennant aka the 10th doctor is in Much Ado About Nothing with Catherine Tate aka FUCKING AMAZING. I cant think of a better reason to blow thousands of dollars on a week. Well maybe I could think of one or 5...

Lawlz. I apologize to the squeamish readers.

Anyway this is distracting from my Doctor Who watching. I shall return later with news of Chris' bday party...

1 comment:

  1. Seems I have a lot to catch up on. Pooky? HAHAHAHA

    I love that he had to go back to watching TV after you refused to e-make-out with him. How lame.

    Yes, the new Doctor is awesome.
