Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I think I know where this is going....

18+ entry. Like always.

Ugh where to start this entry. There are two main points that I want to talk about today.

1. The shitty birthday party I went to this weekend.
2. The boy who wants to get into my pants

We'll start with number 1 just because that's logical. Unless we wanted to do Doctor Who Timelordian way then we'd start with two, do the middle section of 1, then tell a third story that influenced the first part of number one and wrapped up number one perfectly, would make sense, and be amazing. I'm not that talented. So we are keeping this simple.

R. B. Mycoal
Staring in:
The Birthday Party From Hell

The title might be a bit exaggerated but it felt that bad. First thing first: I did not want to go to this party. I didn't want to make a big deal over Neil's bday. He claims he's my best friend but as you know I don't feel the same. The party was downstate and I had never been there and had 0 clue how to get there. This being the case I offered to drive Neil so I had him to direct me to the place. We go to see the movie Bridesmaids which was fine. Then we go to a Mexican restaurant. Dinner actually was pretty good although it was so loud it made conversation pretty difficult. Neil sat there talking to Jodi for about the whole time. Shocker. We know.

At this point in time there were 5 of us at dinner but once that concluded two of our adventurers had to depart. One had a long treck back to Jersey the other had homework. So it was now down to Jodi and I to make Neil's bday party a success for the rest of the night. Difficult feat for a guy who is fucking miserable. 

*Side story* One of our friend's declined for the whole days activities because she had a lunch to go to. LOL I love when lunch plans ruin my bar trips at 10 at night. The truth behind it is that she doesn't like Neil. Neil made her uncomfortable by not taking the hint she was seeing someone else and not interested. Plus throw in some Facebook stalking and you have the normal recipe for the awkward life that is Neil. Who recently asked me if there is something wrong with him. I didn't have the heart to tell him yes. So I sugar coated it down to a you just make mistakes and that's ok you're human love favors the lucky. *back to our program*

From dinner we decide we are going to hang out on main street. Jodi invited her brother and his friends however they were predisposed when she called. There was talk of them meeting us later in the night. That never happened. The geniuses that they were went to the wrong bar. But at the time we decided to kill some time chilling at the local pizza place where all the college kids dwell. Jodi decides to have a drink, I declined because I was driving and wanted to drink later in the night, Neil doesn't have a drink either- the reason: because he didn't want one. His bday party yet he isn't drinking even though I'm playing DD. Conversation starts and it's funny because its bad mouthing someone who I used to fancy but no longer do. Then Neil decides to start discussing how there are no Catholic rituals that take base in the bible, to which Jodi starts to defend seeing as she's Catholic. 

*hits button*
(taken from http://www.iconarchive.com/show/button-icons-by-deleket/Button-Fast-Forward-icon.html)

*and stop*

Half hour later they are still talking about that damn topic. Here is an artist interpretation of how I looked at that point.

(taken from http://www.sodahead.com/entertainment/what-would-the-world-be-like-without-music/question-1710161/?link=ibaf&imgurl=http://www.misterhobbes.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/stewie_gun_mouth_super_commit_sucide.jpg&q=gun%2Bin%2Bmouth)

It was so incredibly boring. Then like a Godsend I hear a familiar song. Tik Tok starts playing. I immediately smile and have like an epic montage in my head. It looked like this:


I tried to put the video in but stupid blogger is ridiculously horrible. But I had that montage in my head of epic Doctor Who-ness and it made it better. So once Tik Tok stopped playing we decided that more people need to drink aka me. So I said I'll drink if we can dance. That made us move upstairs to the bar with the better dance floor. When we got there it was still somewhat early so not too many people were dancing. We told Neil we want to do birthday shots to celebrate he says no. He won't drink anything. He was just standing there at a bar on the dance floor watching the TV's. Jodi and I decide well if he won't drink we will. She and I go and grab drinks and start dancing. The whole night Neil didn't dance once. Jodi grabbed him and tried to move him but he was being so lame,w ouldn't drink wouldn't dance and wasn't even trying to be any fun or have any sign of a personality. PRO-TIP THAT'S WHY YOU'RE SINGLE!! But Jodi and I tried to make the best of it. It was a great night in that I saw a ton of people I know and got to see my lil cousin who is oh so amazing.

On to the next topic!!

Let me first explain the back story. This guy who we shall name 'Abe' contacted me on the site. He was nice to talk to. We texted back and forth. After like 2 days he wanted to be Facebook friends but I said no after our first date. This keeps down my friend counts and prevents them from saying dumb shit on there. He seemed like a genuine guy but he was slightly boring. He never really asked too much about me.

The night of hte 30stm we were texting a fair amount and at like 12:30 on the way home he wanted to drive an hour to come see me. Keep in mind we have never met at that point but he wants to see me. He had been drinking. He also was saying shit like 'You're so cute' 'I'm going to cuddle the shit out of you' Normally I don't mind that but A. he kept giving me physical compliments instead of trying to get to know me and B you don't say I'm going to cuddle the shit out of you after a week of talking and never having met. It was out of place and out of line. So after he asked me no lie 4 times to hang out with him at like 2 in the morning and ditch Neil I was like look dude it's not going to happen. He couldn't take the hint.  Looking back that scenario makes so much sense.

A few days later we were texting he kept asking to hang out but his time table made it incredibly awkward to meet anywhere in public.  I thought he got mad at me and we didn't talk for like 2 weeks?...until tonight. Here is the conversation and I hope you all read it the way I do because it makes me feel like he only wants me for sex. Like the other time at 2 in the morning he prolly just wanted to do stuff. Now that I think about it I think he made reference to him making out with me that night...
Note the ratio of his questions to mine. Also note what he asks me.

Abe: hey

hey stranger

Abe: how are you?

I can't complain how about you?

Abe: same
Abe: just been busy

work or other stuff?

Abe: both

haha do tell

Abe: well i got a job
Abe: have to finish my internship

i thought you had one working with the childrenz
that's right
sorry i'm a bit slow
so what is your job?

Abe: at a nursing home outside *city*

doing what?

Abe: ill be a *nouns* coordinator

that sounds intense
do you like it so far or still nervous cause you're new?

Abe: i dont start until the end of june

you excited?

Abe: yup

so what else besides the job anything fun?

Abe: nope
Abe: you?

my friends have like popped out of the woodwork
they've been keeping me incredibly busy
although the one friend was a complete twat at his bday party
*brief anecdote he makes one comment which was haha*
when do you finish your internship

Abe: june 2*th

so you're not taking any time btwn jobs

Abe: nope

that sucks
you need to live a little

Abe: oh i will

*talk of hours*

so nice pay increase i presume

Abe: yup

gonna order a mail order bride?

Abe: probably
Abe: but more like male order bride

right right

Abe: ooh yeah

that's sexy

Abe: with a big dick

only the best
what's he gonna look like?

Abe: tall hunky tight ass

sounds good
but you can't afford me

Abe: lol

you had to see that coming

Abe: once you experience my ass-eating skills you might reconsider  I apologize. I was just as grossed out as you when I read that. I should have prepared you but you don't deserve a warning if I didn't get one.

oh now i can't wait to snog you Nothing says that's so hot like ass eating. Vom.

Abe: snog?

make out

Abe: lol

so do you eat a lot of ass that you pride those skills?

Abe: lol

and yet you didn't answer

Abe: hey!

i kid i kid
or do i?

Abe: you better be bitch
*lull in convo*

tell me a story

Abe: im rubbing my cock lol

so it's a short story

Abe: yup
Abe: you horny? At that point it clicked with me. He has asked me that every time I've talked to him. He also tells me when he jerks it and is talking to me.

lol why do I think I know where this is going

Abe: lol

was that your subtle way of asking me to cyber?

Abe: no Yes
Abe: you masturbating?

no not yet I'm a little busy talking to people, listening to britney spears, and playing WoW. Not to mention you have turned me off.

Abe: you horny?

we're guys aren't we always? I had no idea what else to say. I thought I evaded it the first time.

Abe: lol
Abe: you top or bottom? This question is awkward considering we haven't been on a date. I'm not sexually attracted to him. I'm a virgin. But at the end of all that there is one blessing. If you guess what the other guy is and say it, you can't break it off. You can't have a relationships with two bottoms it just doesn't work so I had a 50/50 shot.

you? Please say top...

Abe: bttm vers Damn it!
Abe: 8c <~~~ wtf is that a smilie?


Abe: i am


Abe: what


Abe: 8 inches cut

oh gotcha
are you on manhunt? I asked that because it's a hook up site. If he's on there he only really wants one thing. I know of this site because Mike said that he was on that and another site.

Abe: no
Abe: i mean i have a profile but i dont use it So technically you are on manhunt...


Abe: i use a4a That's short for Adam for Adam. The other site Mike was on...

never been on there is that's a hook up site right?

Abe: yup

you pull a lot of guys on there?

Abe: nope
Abe: ok bed time

congrats on the new job
have a good night

Abe: thanks
Abe: chat soon? It's funny because usually a chat isn't one side trying to get to know the other person while the other only talks about jerking off and ass eating.

yeah definitly
*insert an E in there

Abe: lol

Now I know gay men think about sex a lot but I feel like he only wants me for sex or some other form of physical contact. Like Mike as much as he was a slut and would admit it, I never in a million years felt like he was using me like that. He genuinely was interested in me as a person and was comfortable talking about that stuff with him. It wasn't one sided and out of no where. Am I being hyper sensitive? Should I be flattered that someone is obviously interested in me. Or is my freaked out attitude warranted? I feel used and I don't know if that's the right feeling for this situation but it's what I got.

Gratuitous picture to make me smile:

Thank you Kristin Chenoweth. She's so happy.

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