Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yes, I am alive.

So this is my first post after surgery. That was an experience all in its own. for the most part the two doctor's visits to my surgery totaled to a massive 5 minutes. the first time I went I waited about a half hour then he stepped in the room, made me cough as he pushed, said I had a hernia and would do the simple mesh procedure. That was it. Didn't explain anything. I had to ask him about it. Then a week later I had surgery. Which hurt but it wasn't completely horrible. Although the percocet didn't make me tired it just got me hyper and made it so I couldn't sleep. I was awake from 11am Thursday morning till 7pm Friday night before I finally got a little shut eye. But come Saturday I had a lovely surprise, half of my penis and testicles were black. No one cared to explain to me that all the blood from surgery settles there in men, if I was a woman it would've just gone down my leg. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EXPLAINING THAT...OH YOU DIDN'T!! That was such a nice surprise that I had to Google such important information. Anyway I slowly recovered by watching every movie/show that was OnDemand. Then about 2 weeks after surgery I had my check up. I waited 45 minutes for him to literally be in the room not even a full two minutes. He just looked at it said, looks good-you're all set. That's it. Not you can now drive again, you can now lift more than 20 lbs. Nothing. Just you're all set. Post surgery I'd like a few more words of encouragement as to be fully healed considering at that point I was still pretty bruised at the surgery site, my testicles were still pretty bruised, and I still had some pain. All set doesn't feel very apropos here.

Although the only thing that made me laugh during this whole mess is that Nicky had the same surgery. Incoming gratuitous Nicky picture:

Let's discuss my World of Warcraft life for a moment:

That's Kian. My very sexy Gnome Magician. I wish I had a picture of him on his motorcycle but well I don't right now. Anyway since I've been recovering, I've been spending more time on WoW. the guild I'm in has been short raiders and I have filled in every raid night for the past two weeks. On Sunday there was a boss fight I really wanted to do and long story short they took a mage who is bad. He has bad raid awareness (this means if a boss shots fire on the floor you are supposed to move, he could likely get hit by it) he also has internet issues and disconnects frequently. So they took him over me. I'm not saying I'm the greatest player but I have been told several times by guild leaders that I'm a good raider because I know how to survive in raid. Plus I don't lag/disconnect every raid. This other mage literally had disconnected every raid for the past 2 weeks that  I've been there. I know the only reason they picked him over me is that I pretty much quit for 2 months. It just annoys me. Reminds me of how I'm on the back burner these days.

Now the topic I love to hate and hate to love: Boys

So thanks for the paragraph Keith. I'm sure you have copy and pasted that to a few guys. Maybe I'm dumb but I have zero idea what b2b sales are, nor do I want too. I think it's weird he's asking me for a drink/hang out. Don't people have fear of getting raped/murdered/mugged?

I hate rape o'clock its my least favorite time of day.

So the other boys I've talked to include a ballerina, an opera singer, a guy from DC who is bored out of his mind said lets chat then you know-never chatted back?, a guy who has wolf print tattoos on his V and wants more wolf tattoos, and another guy who made me want a decoder ring. I think it may be time to take a haitus from there from a bit. The talent pool seems to be pretty damn shallow. Although I will say I have been feeling more confident and messaging a lot more people although with very little success. But 'until I try I'll never know'


1. The Britney remix of S&M was very disappointing
2. I do not feel like looking for a job but I know I must.
3. My room is completly disguisting.
4. I want a new outfit because I want to feel like I look good post surgery yuckness.
5. I miss CS and his infinite Irish wisdom.

Oh I did finish a chapter of Senior Year thanks to the help of my assistant Kit. Which I need to post as soon as I remember to post it.

So the final installment of this update my weekend adventure...

My friend 'Rachel' who no longer lives in this state invited me to her friend's bday party. I met the girl a few times but I have never really talked to her. However I know Rachel has some crazy fun friends so I brought Chris and invited a couple other people (who didn't show). But that night turned out I knew the bartender at the party from my old working days. Needless to say that fact was one of the highlights of my night which should give you some inclination as to how crap the rest of the night was. So pretty much the first part of the party was at a bar where we had the whole back room. There was cake and I ordered food and it was decent. I got to watch the Flyers game so all was well. At 10 Rachel was like ok we are moving. So we wait. And wait. And wait some more finally at 10:35 we moved. Now if any of you are wondering why 35 mins seems long. At a bar if you are about you move you really don't get a drink or start to do anything. So you stand there for 30 mins waiting for this big bar shift and it gets old fast.

So we move to a bar down the street. Rachel goes who needs a drink out of the 6 of us (Chris wasn't drinking) 5 of us said yeah. Rachel gets 4 beers. She got everyone but me one. Ok...I was a bit annoyed by that but ok maybe she didn't hear me? But I'm pretty sure she did. Fast forward 15 minutes and only half a beer later Rachel wants to move to a different bar to dance. So we move again...

New bar this time with 80/90's dance music. It was a lot of fun as the group of like 10 of us were dancing. Jump ahead 15 minutes there's only me, Chris, Rachel, and this girl Linda. Everyone else just drifted off/went to a tequila bar. So we are dancing having fun for another like 10-15 mins, then Rachel and Linda are like we'll be back we are going to the bathroom. So Chris and I save her spot. But during this time I'm bitter because 'Like I Love You' by Jtimbs comes on and I have no one to dance with. SO FUCKING LAME. Chris and I waited a half hour the girls never show up. We decide to go look for them. We go to the other room which has a band- no sign of them. The band was playing a song I liked so I was like eh lets stay here while Chris went to the bathroom. Que Rachel who shows up like 2 seconds after Chris leaves. 'Oh sorry I liked the song and we went dancing' That's what she said to me...really you couldn't have taken the two second to grab me and Chris in the half hour you were gone? Anyway she wanted to leave to visit the birthday girl and her fiance at the tequila bar. Which was lame. Before we even went out that night I told Chris I get tired easy from my surgery so if I want to leave can we go. He said yeah that's fine. He didn't want me to over do it.

We walk up the street to the Tequila bar. Meanwhile we are with this guy Todd who just turned 21 the week before. Todd is white trash. He's on the street basically yelling, wearing a bandana he was given by the Jager girls at the first bar we were at. I say this because the Tequila bar was actually classy. There were people in sport coats/ties. They were dressed up and he wanted to roll up wearing a bandanna and acting a mess. So we got in and there are 4 of them and about 5 of us. Well they pretty much make room for everyone but me and Chris. We are standing there awkwardly. I told Chris I was ready to leave. He said he wasn't ready just yet. He wanted to stay there and try and hit on Linda. What happened to Bro's before Hoes? Like you said you'd take me home, I'm bored, and in pain. Yet you want to stay and hit on a girl you barely know or have a shot with. So I said ok we can stay just because I know Chris has nothing going on in his life. Thank God my cousin was around to text because for the next half hour I didn't talk to a single person. While all this is going on I can hear Todd talking he's pretty much yelling Faggot at everything this other guy says. We are in a full bar and he's yelling that it's like grow the hell up. Then as if the night wasn't bad enough Todd comes over to me whilst texting and goes 'You don't talk much'. And I gave him a dirty look and said 'ok'. He then says 'are you a terrorist?' I'm like 'what?' He then says 'Well you don't talk. Like there is a normal level of talking and you don't hit that' I'm like 'Do I look like a terrorist' He replies with 'I don't know. Lots of people Muslim' So as if yelling Faggot wasn't enough to look douchey he's now accusing me of being a terrorist because I don't want to associate myself with/talk to him. I said 'No I talk. However you talk too much. Are you a terrorist?' He's like 'no I talk so i'm not' And I said 'Well that could be a clever ruse to hide that you are one' At this point he was either confused or wanted to walk away cause he said 'look i'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean it or nothing.' I rolled my eyes and went back to texting. So like a couple minutes later Rachel decided she wanted to go back to dancing. As we walked out of the bar we ran into some people who were with us earlier in the night. Linda liked one of those guys so she went over and started talking to him. SHOCKER! Chris was now ready to go home. Fucking tool. We left. It was such a stupid and lame fucking night.

The only other highlight of my night was when Linda said she liked my jacket and that I was one of the best dancers she's ever seen. You know why? Cause I got it...

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