Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sorry for being negligent to my massive three readers. Is it even that many?

So the point where I'm at:

Gmat test is next friday. I have 3 books and spent a few hours yesterday studying. I'm going to go study tonight once I finish this post. It's one of those things where the more I study the less confident I feel. Here's an example of the math question.

Question: If Mikes spends more time doing X and less time doing Y then XY= success.

A. X must be a positive integer
B. Y must be Mike getting his shit together.

1. A is sufficient on its own
2. B is sufficient on its own
3. Both A and B are sufficient and depend on each other.
4. Both A and B are sufficient on their own.
5. Neither A or B are sufficient.

The correct answer=

Fuck if I know. Also for those of you about to use a calculator, that's not allowed on the test. I know it's so amazing.

Moving on...
My sister's wedding was a big success. It flew by too fast and took up too much of my time.

Motivation level these days - very low. My injury is keeping my spirits down and my motivation even lower. Although my cousin gave me a good idea. Even if I don't do a good job on my GMATs and don't get into grad school, I could always just search for jobs in Ireland.

This one icon can sum up my feelings towards dating at this moment in time:

I want to be incognito and apathetic to the situation because it's a hot mess. The variety of boys who have been sending messages have been...well not my style. There was one guy who made me smile.

Note that I'm dark grey. But as the conversation continued he pretty much just answered my questions and didn't really ask me anything back. It's at the point where I asked him something and he hasn't responded even though he's been online. So I guess it's safe to put him in the never going to happen pile.

(taken from

And then as if to throw salt in the wounds my stats aren't looking so hot...

Ouch. No one likes to look at me...But this leads me to question if I should do the whole edit profile/put up new picture thing again. Yes it will get me attention however the attention I get for the most part isn't stuff I want. Although I am starting to realize I've become obsessed with that site. I check it multiple times a day. I'm addicted to the potential of talking to people even if I don't like them. That's a red flag. I shouldn't be dependent on the site for that kind of enjoyment. I'm over thinking and over obsessing about relationships. It's hard not to think and hope about something you've been wanting all your life. I have a trouble of keeping things in moderation. I tend to obsess and over do it. I don't want to do that with dating cause it's burning me out. Blar.

In other news my new Nikon D3100 took some fucking amazing photos. I am in love with that camera. I am also in love with the new Armani Exchange watch that I was given. Besides the need for surgery and the GMATs plaguing my existence things are going somewhat well...maybe?

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