Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The saga continues

Me: so i have a question for you

Mike: what is it

Me:the last time we talked you said you were scared to meet me, what did you mean by that

Mike: if i remember correctly

im pretty sure at that point in my life

i realized i should stay single

or date someone wildly fucked up

youre far too good for me

by miles and miles

and im not afraid of you, im afraid of myself

i dont trust myself for a second

Me: I wish you had just told me that then because I felt like everything I did was completly wrong and fucked up

and I felt horrible that you were going through that shit especially with your sister and you wanted nothing to do with me

Mike: if it makes you feel any better it took me awhile to be able to say that even aloud when i was alone in a room, let alone to tell that to another human being, especially one who was going to be effected by it

see that is what im talking about

Me: no I get it

Mike: i know i can make ppl feel like shit even unintentionally

and thats not something anyone deserves

Me: well it was my fault
Mike: no it wasnt

Me: I got too attached

Mike: thats not a bad thing

Me: I learned from it

Mike: its a bad thing to get attached to someone like me

but not in general

Me: I dunno it just fucked with my head

especially since you were the first guy I was really into I thought i just was horrible at dating/talking and all that

i'm not trying to make you feel bad so please dont

i needed to learn and it helped

Mike: well i knew that about you

i feel bad

of course i do

Me: dont please

Mike: no its fine

Me: no becaues now i'm afraid you're not going to talk to me anymore

Mike: hahaa why would i not talk to you because of something i myself control?

Me: I don't know

the whole situation was weird and I had no clue how to handle it I still am like ugh what is going on

i was shocked as shit that you messaged me

Mike: i may be emotionally incapable of being with another human being romantically but im not incapable of controlling myself

Me: i don't think you are in capable

Mike: you also do not know me

not the way i know myself

and you saying that is just more proof that i would be absolutely terrible for you

and id hurt you badly

probably without even trying

Me: what has you so convinced that you can't be in a relationship

Mike: idk if its something i can explain

Me: i think one day you will find someone you love enough and you'll get married

Mike: its just something about myself that i know

at least at this point in my life

im sure i will

see that's just it

and im sure it will be a disaster

Me: you change your mind a ton

Mike: no, i usually am just not very honest with myself

about what?

Mike: how i feel, what is really going on in my head, what reality is

what i am capable of

Me: I don't think you give yourself enough credit

Mike: maybe

but i dont think so

Me: I think you're stubborn and stuck inside your head

Mike: and ive known myself for a long time

i know how it would go

Me: I just don't want to see you regret this years down the line (not me just in general)

Mike if no one else gets hurt, i wont reger it

Me: it's life people get hurt everyday

you know that you get hit by cars

Mike: hahaha

see here is what i know

Me:and how do you think you'll hurt someone


Mike: i know there is something about me that makes ppl become very attached

i mean i know im a good person

Me: well you're pretty awesome

Mike: dont speakkkk




Mike: see kay


i know there is that something about me, whatever it is. and i know this lends itself to love. and a pretty intense love.

i also know that for whatever fucked up reason, once i know that a person has gotten to that point, and everything is easy and predictable, a part of me closes off

i have no control over it

and even though i will try to stay

they know im not there anymore

and it will end up breaking their heart

and i have no intention of allowing myself to put myself in that position, or putting someone else in a position wherein i know eventually i will hurt them

i cant have that on my conscience anymore

ive already hurt enough ppl

its not fair

Text portion:

Mike: i shall bite u.

Me: I'll smack u then what?

Mike: idk im out of options

Me: Lame ur bad at this

Mike: At biting? i'm exceptional. id probs slap u back tho cause i enjoy that

Me: I know you do. Id bite u the fuck back

Mike: Perfect.

Me:Game on

Mike: I'm not even kidding

Me: Its funny cause itll never happen

Mike: exactly lol

Me: Ur just a pussy and know i'll fuck you up

Mike: We can go with that :)

Me: Right...but seriously r we ever gonna hang out in person or is that off the table?

Mike: Nah we can. Now that ive told u what i should have realized awhile ago

Me: Yeah way to be 8 months late

Mike: yeah i wish I had known before

Me: Eh well at least you messaged me cause I sure wouldn't have done it

Mike: Why?

Me: Because I was pissed at u that u wouldn't answer me why u were scared. And i didn't want to open that can of worms months later. So i wrote u off

Mike: Good reason. Perfect reason actually.

Me: Hence why i removed you from FB

Mike: Makes sense